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What is EPR on CPAP? A Guide to Understanding the EPR Setting

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night struggling with your CPAP machine's pressure, or feeling discomfort from dry mouth or water in your mask? If so, you're not alone, and this is where the EPR feature can make a big difference in your therapy. If you're undergoing CPAP therapy for sleep apnea, you’ve probably encountered the term EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief). It’s a feature found in ResMed CPAP machines that can greatly enhance comfort during therapy, making it easier for many patients to stick to their treatment plan.

EPR is especially beneficial for users of ResMed devices like the AirSense 10 and AirSense 11, which come equipped with this advanced comfort option. The integrated humidifier ensures that your airways stay moist, preventing dry mouth or water issues. Plus, the AirSense reduces air pressure as soon as you put on your mask, so you're not overwhelmed by a strong initial pressure. This feature is also perfect for those who want to enjoy uninterrupted sleep without disturbing their sleep partner, as it operates quietly and won't wake anyone up.

But what exactly is EPR, and how does it work? By understanding the benefits of EPR, you'll know about EPR settings and how they can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're adjusting your CPAP for the first time or fine-tuning it for better comfort, EPR is a game-changer that ensures a smoother, more comfortable therapy experience.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding EPR on CPAP and its benefits, covering everything you need to know to make the most of your CPAP therapy.

Understanding Expiratory Pressure Relief (EPR)

EPR is a pressure relief feature designed to reduce the discomfort some users experience while exhaling against the constant air pressure delivered by the CPAP machine. Traditional CPAP therapy delivers a constant stream of positive airway pressure to keep the airways open. However, for some patients, this continuous pressure can feel uncomfortable, especially when exhaling. EPR helps alleviate this issue by lowering the pressure during exhalation, making breathing feel more natural.

How EPR Works

When you use a CPAP machine with EPR, the device automatically reduces the air pressure during exhalation. This makes breathing easier, especially for users who find it difficult to breathe out against constant pressure. The EPR feature adjusts the air pressure in real-time as you inhale and exhale, providing a more comfortable and restful experience.

EPR Settings

EPR comes with adjustable settings, typically in levels from 1 to 3. Each level corresponds to a different degree of pressure reduction:

  • Level 1: Reduces pressure by 1 cm H2O during exhalation.
  • Level 2: Reduces pressure by 2 cm H2O during exhalation.
  • Level 3: Reduces pressure by 3 cm H2O during exhalation.

This customization allows users to adjust their therapy to suit their specific needs, making it easier to breathe out and ensuring a more restful night’s sleep.

EPR Settings Comparison

 EPR Setting Pressure Reduction (cmH2O) Best For Effect
EPR Level 1 Reduces by 1 cmH2O Mild Sleep Apnea, New Users Minimal pressure relief, ideal for users transitioning to CPAP therapy.
EPR Level 2 Reduces by 2 cmH2O Reduces by 2 cmH2O Moderate pressure relief for users seeking a balance between inhalation and exhalation comfort.
EPR Level 3 Reduces by 3 cmH2O Severe Sleep Apnea, Comfort Seekers
Maximum pressure relief, offering the greatest exhalation comfort.


Benefits of EPR for Sleep Apnea Patients

Improved Comfort 

One of the primary benefits of EPR is the enhanced comfort it provides. By lowering the pressure during exhalation, users find it easier to breathe, especially those who are new to CPAP therapy or those who find the constant pressure uncomfortable.

Increased Compliance 

One of the challenges for CPAP users is staying consistent with therapy. EPR helps make the therapy more comfortable, increasing the likelihood that users will continue with their treatment.

Better Sleep Quality 

With the pressure reduced upon exhalation, the breathing process feels more natural, helping users to stay asleep longer and wake up feeling more refreshed.

Reduced Risk of Dry Mouth 

By minimizing air pressure during exhalation, EPR can help reduce the occurrence of dry mouth and nasal dryness, two common complaints of CPAP users.

Enhanced Breathing Patterns 

For patients with obstructive sleep apnea, EPR helps them breathe more comfortably and naturally, reducing any potential for interruptions during sleep.

Benefits of EPR in CPAP Therapy

 Benefit Explanation
Reduced Exhalation Effort EPR lowers pressure when exhaling, making breathing easier and more natural.
Enhanced Comfort CPAP therapy becomes more comfortable, especially for users who experience high-pressure discomfort.
Improved Sleep Quality Reduced effort during exhalation can lead to better, more restful sleep for users.
Adjustment Flexibility Users can choose from different levels of pressure relief (1, 2, 3) based on their comfort needs.


When Should One Use EPR?

Expiratory Pressure Relief (EPR) is a valuable feature in CPAP therapy designed to enhance comfort, especially for those who experience difficulty exhaling against constant air pressure. If you're undergoing CPAP therapy and find the process of breathing out uncomfortable or feel that it disrupts your sleep, EPR might be the solution you need. Here are some situations when using EPR is recommended:

New to CPAP Therapy 

For individuals who are just starting their CPAP journey, adjusting to the constant positive airway pressure can be challenging. The sensation of exhaling against a continuous flow of air might feel unnatural and cause discomfort. EPR reduces this pressure, allowing a smoother transition into therapy and making it easier to stick to the treatment plan.

Exhalation Difficulties 

Some CPAP users have more trouble exhaling than others. If you find yourself struggling to breathe out against the pressure, EPR can make a significant difference by lowering the pressure during exhalation, allowing for more natural breathing patterns and a more comfortable experience.

Pressure-Induced Dryness 

High air pressure levels can often lead to issues like dry mouth or nasal dryness. By using EPR, the reduced pressure during exhalation can help alleviate these issues, as the air flow becomes less intense, reducing the sensation of dryness.

Patients with Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea 

For patients who have mild to moderate forms of sleep apnea, using EPR can offer the perfect balance between effective therapy and enhanced comfort. Since these patients may not require consistently high levels of pressure, EPR can make the therapy more tolerable without compromising its effectiveness.

Sensitivity to CPAP Pressure 

Certain patients are more sensitive to air pressure, even at lower settings. If you fall into this category and find that breathing out against the pressurized air is too strenuous, EPR can help by easing this pressure during exhalation, making therapy feel less invasive.

In these scenarios, enabling EPR on your CPAP machine can improve therapy comfort, compliance, and overall sleep quality, ensuring that your treatment is effective without causing unnecessary discomfort.

When One Should Avoid EPR

While EPR is a useful feature for many patients undergoing CPAP therapy, it’s not suitable for everyone. In some cases, using EPR can reduce the effectiveness of therapy or even exacerbate symptoms. Here are some situations when it’s better to avoid using EPR:

Severe Sleep Apnea 

For patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the consistent air pressure provided by traditional CPAP settings is crucial for keeping the airway open. Reducing the pressure during exhalation, as EPR does, could result in insufficient airway support, leading to more frequent apnea events. For these patients, maintaining constant pressure is often more beneficial than the comfort offered by EPR.

Central Sleep Apnea 

In cases of central sleep apnea (CSA), where the brain fails to signal the body to breathe, using EPR can sometimes make the condition worse. CSA requires consistent and precise pressure to regulate breathing patterns, and the fluctuation in pressure caused by EPR may further disrupt the breathing cycle, making therapy less effective.

Patients with High Pressure Needs 

Some CPAP users require higher pressure settings to manage their sleep apnea. For these patients, reducing the pressure during exhalation with EPR could lead to the collapse of the airway during sleep, undermining the effectiveness of the therapy. In such cases, maintaining consistent pressure throughout the breathing cycle is essential for preventing airway obstruction.

Patients with Poor Mask Fit 

If your CPAP mask does not fit well, using EPR may increase the likelihood of air leaks. As the pressure fluctuates between inhalation and exhalation, a poorly fitted mask may not seal properly, leading to reduced therapy effectiveness. It’s important to ensure that your mask fits securely before considering EPR.

Higher Pressure Sensitivity During Inhalation 

Some patients may find that using EPR makes them more sensitive to the pressure increase during inhalation. Since EPR reduces pressure during exhalation, the transition back to the set pressure during inhalation can feel more pronounced, causing discomfort. In such cases, it’s better to avoid EPR and stick with continuous pressure to maintain a smoother breathing cycle.

In these situations, using EPR may reduce the overall effectiveness of CPAP therapy. If you fall into any of these categories, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before enabling EPR, as they can advise on the best approach to managing your sleep apnea.

How to Enable EPR on Your CPAP Machine

Enabling Expiratory Pressure Relief (EPR) on your ResMed AirSense 10 or AirSense 11 is a simple process that can significantly enhance your comfort during CPAP therapy. By reducing the air pressure when you exhale, EPR can help make breathing easier and more natural. Here’s a step-by-step guide to activating EPR on your device:

Access Settings 

Power on your CPAP machine by pressing the start button. Then, navigate to the settings menu using the device's control knob or touchscreen. The AirSense models feature intuitive menus that are easy to navigate.

Find EPR Option 

Scroll through the list of options in the settings menu until you find the EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief) setting. This feature is typically located in the comfort or therapy settings section.

Choose a Level 

Once you've located the EPR option, select the level of pressure relief you prefer. You can choose between three levels—1, 2, or 3—with each level corresponding to a different degree of pressure reduction. Level 1 reduces the pressure by 1 cmH₂O, Level 2 reduces it by 2 cmH₂O, and Level 3 provides the maximum reduction of 3 cmH₂O.

Save and Exit 

After selecting the desired EPR level, save your changes by pressing the confirm button or selecting the "save" option. Exit the menu, and your CPAP machine will automatically adjust the air pressure during exhalation based on your chosen EPR setting.

How to Adjust EPR on ResMed AirSense 10

The ResMed AirSense 10 is one of the most popular CPAP machines on the market, renowned for its advanced comfort settings, including Expiratory Pressure Relief (EPR). The machine is specifically designed to improve the comfort and effectiveness of CPAP therapy, making it easier for patients to adapt to continuous positive airway pressure.

Key Features:

  • EPR as a Standard Feature: The AirSense 10 comes equipped with EPR, which reduces pressure during exhalation, helping patients breathe more naturally during their sleep therapy.
  • Integrated Humidifier: The AirSense 10 includes a built-in humidifier to reduce dryness and irritation during therapy. It helps prevent issues such as dry mouth and nose, which are common side effects of CPAP therapy.
  • AutoSet Feature: The machine automatically adjusts the air pressure throughout the night based on the patient’s breathing patterns. This ensures optimal therapy without the need for manual pressure adjustments.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The AirSense 10 is designed for ease of use, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes accessing settings, such as EPR, hassle-free.

How to Access and Adjust EPR on AirSense 10:

  • Turn On the Machine: Power up your AirSense 10 device.
  • Navigate to the Home Menu: Use the dial to scroll through the main menu.
  • Find the EPR Setting: Scroll through the options until you find “EPR” under the “Comfort” section.
  • Choose the EPR Level: You can choose from three levels: 1, 2, or 3, with level 1 offering the least pressure relief and level 3 providing the maximum relief during exhalation.
  • Save Your Settings: Once you've selected your desired EPR level, save the changes and exit the menu.

The AirSense 10 is designed to deliver a seamless therapy experience by automatically adjusting air pressure and optimizing comfort through features like EPR.

How to Adjust EPR on ResMed AirSense 11

The ResMed AirSense 11 is an upgrade from the AirSense 10, offering a suite of new features that further enhance CPAP therapy. This next-generation model integrates more advanced technology, making it a top choice for patients seeking a customizable and highly effective treatment solution.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced EPR: Like the AirSense 10, the AirSense 11 comes with EPR as a standard feature. However, the AirSense 11 offers more customization options, allowing patients to fine-tune their therapy for greater comfort. It provides the same three levels of pressure relief but with more precision in adjusting the settings.
  • Advanced AutoSet Algorithm: The AirSense 11 includes an updated AutoSet algorithm that detects more subtle changes in breathing patterns. This allows the machine to adjust pressure even more effectively to meet the patient’s needs throughout the night.
  • Touchscreen Interface: Unlike the AirSense 10, the AirSense 11 features a modern, touchscreen interface, which makes navigating settings, including EPR, even easier and more intuitive.
  • SmartStart: The machine automatically starts therapy when the patient puts on the mask, and it stops when the mask is removed, further improving user convenience.

How to Access and Adjust EPR on AirSense 11:

  • Turn On the Machine: Start the AirSense 11 device by plugging it in and pressing the power button.
  • Access the Settings: On the touchscreen interface, navigate to the settings menu.
  • Find the EPR Option: Scroll through the settings to find the EPR feature under the "Comfort" section.
  • Select the EPR Level: Choose the desired EPR level—1, 2, or 3—depending on the level of exhalation relief you prefer.
  • Save and Exit: Confirm your selection and save the settings. Your device will now deliver therapy with the chosen EPR adjustments.

The AirSense 11 offers superior therapy management with more advanced features, including EPR, ensuring the most comfortable and effective experience for patients undergoing CPAP therapy. With its smart algorithms and enhanced ease of use, it’s an excellent choice for those seeking the latest in sleep therapy technology.

How to Adjust EPR on ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP

The ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP is a highly portable, compact device that’s perfect for travelers who require CPAP therapy. Despite its small size, the AirMini packs a punch with features like the AutoSet algorithm and compatibility with EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief), making it an excellent choice for users on the go.

Key Features:

  • AutoSet Algorithm: The AirMini features the same advanced AutoSet technology as its larger counterparts, automatically adjusting air pressure based on your breathing needs throughout the night.
  • EPR for Comfort: Like the AirSense 10 and AirSense 11, the AirMini offers EPR to reduce pressure during exhalation, providing a more natural breathing experience.
  • Ultra-Portable Design: Weighing just 0.66 pounds, the AirMini is ideal for travelers who want a lightweight, compact device that doesn't compromise on therapy quality.
  • Smart Connectivity: The AirMini can be controlled via a smartphone app, allowing you to adjust settings, monitor therapy, and receive updates on your sleep performance.

How to Enable EPR on ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP:

  • Turn on the AirMini: Power up the device and open the AirMini App on your smartphone.
  • Access Settings: In the app, navigate to the settings menu.
  • Select EPR: Locate the EPR option under the “Comfort” section.
  • Choose the Level: Select the EPR level (1, 2, or 3) that best suits your needs.
  • Save Settings: Once you've adjusted the settings, save and exit the menu. The AirMini will now apply the chosen EPR settings during therapy.

With its ultra-portable design and advanced features, the AirMini AutoSet is the perfect solution for users who need effective therapy on the move without sacrificing comfort.

ResMed CPAP Models with EPR Feature

 Model EPR Availability Humidifier Key Features
AirSense 10 Yes Integrated Humidifier Auto-adjusts pressure settings, easy-to-use interface, great for new users.
AirSense 11 Yes Integrated Humidifier Advanced algorithm, greater customization, detects breathing patterns.
ResMed AirMini No (Doesn't have EPR) Optional HumidX System Compact travel CPAP, no built-in humidifier, portable.


How to Adjust FLEX on the Philips Respironics DreamStation

The Philips Respironics DreamStation features FLEX, a pressure relief technology designed to enhance comfort during CPAP therapy. FLEX technology automatically reduces pressure during exhalation, making it easier for patients to breathe naturally and without discomfort.

Key Features:

  • FLEX Pressure Relief: FLEX offers pressure relief during exhalation to make breathing more natural. It has multiple levels (1, 2, or 3) to adjust the amount of pressure reduction, allowing users to customize therapy based on personal comfort.
  • Ramp Feature: The DreamStation has a ramp function that gradually increases air pressure, helping patients adjust more easily when they first put on the mask.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: The DreamStation allows users to track therapy and adjust settings through the DreamMapper App, which can be accessed via Bluetooth.
  • Quiet Operation: The device is designed to run quietly, making it less disruptive to sleep, especially for those who are sensitive to noise.

How to Access FLEX on Philips Respironics DreamStation:

  • Turn On the DreamStation: Power up the device.
  • Navigate to the Comfort Settings: Use the knob to scroll through the menu and find the FLEX option under “Comfort.”
  • Select FLEX Level: Choose a FLEX setting (1, 2, or 3) to customize the amount of pressure relief during exhalation.
  • Save and Exit: Save your settings, and the DreamStation will now provide therapy with FLEX enabled.

The DreamStation offers a comfortable, quiet, and adaptive solution for CPAP users, with FLEX technology that makes exhaling more natural and therapy easier to tolerate.

How to Adjust FLEX on the Philips Respironics DreamStation 2

The Philips Respironics DreamStation 2 builds on the success of the original DreamStation, offering enhanced features like improved FLEX pressure relief and an upgraded design for more convenient use.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced FLEX Technology: The DreamStation 2 comes with updated FLEX settings that automatically reduce pressure during exhalation, helping users breathe more comfortably. The levels are adjustable (1, 2, or 3) to cater to different preferences.
  • Touchscreen Interface: The DreamStation 2 has a touchscreen display for easier navigation and control of settings, including FLEX adjustments.
  • Ramp Plus: The Ramp Plus feature allows users to set a comfortable starting pressure, which gradually increases to the prescribed pressure over time, aiding in comfort during the onset of sleep.
  • Compact Design: Compared to the original DreamStation, the DreamStation 2 is smaller and lighter, making it easier to transport.

How to Access FLEX on Philips Respironics DreamStation 2

  • Turn On the Device: Power up the DreamStation 2.
  • Navigate to Comfort Settings: Use the touchscreen to access the settings menu and find the FLEX option under the “Comfort” section.
  • Select FLEX Level: Choose the desired FLEX level (1, 2, or 3) based on your comfort needs.
  • Save and Exit: Once your settings are adjusted, save and exit the menu.

With an improved FLEX system and a modernized design, the DreamStation 2 offers a streamlined and comfortable therapy experience.

How to Adjust Z-Breathe on the Z2 Auto Travel CPAP

The Z2 Auto Travel CPAP by HDM is a lightweight, portable CPAP machine that features Z-Breathe, a technology designed to reduce pressure during exhalation. Ideal for travel, this compact machine offers convenience without sacrificing comfort.

Key Features:

  • Z-Breathe Pressure Relief: The Z-Breathe feature automatically reduces pressure upon exhalation, making it easier to breathe while maintaining effective therapy. Users can choose from three different settings for optimal comfort.
  • Lightweight and Portable: Weighing less than a pound, the Z2 Auto CPAP is perfect for travelers, as it can easily fit in a carry-on bag.
  • Noise Reduction: Despite its small size, the Z2 features technology that minimizes noise, making it quieter than most travel CPAP machines.
  • Battery-Compatible: The machine can run on battery power, making it suitable for camping and travel.

How to Enable Z-Breathe on the Z2 Auto Travel CPAP:

  • Turn On the Z2: Power up the device.
  • Access Z-Breathe Settings: Navigate through the menu to find the Z-Breathe feature.
  • Select Z-Breathe Setting: Choose the Z-Breathe level (1, 2, or 3) that best suits your comfort.
  • Save Settings: Once you've selected your setting, save and exit the menu.

The Z2 Auto CPAP offers an exceptional blend of portability and comfort, thanks to its Z-Breathe technology, making it a top choice for frequent travelers.

How to Adjust EZEX on the Somnetics Transcend Micro

The Transcend Micro by Somnetics is an ultra-compact CPAP machine with the EZEX pressure relief feature, designed to offer maximum comfort during exhalation. Its lightweight and compact design makes it perfect for users who are always on the move.

Key Features:

  • EZEX Pressure Relief: The EZEX feature reduces the pressure during exhalation, allowing users to breathe more comfortably while using the machine. This feature can be adjusted to different levels based on individual needs.
  • Ultra-Compact Design: The Transcend Micro is one of the smallest CPAP machines on the market, making it ideal for frequent travelers.
  • Universal Mask Compatibility: The machine works with most CPAP masks, offering flexibility and ease of use.
  • Battery Compatibility: The Transcend Micro is compatible with a range of power options, including battery packs, making it suitable for off-grid use.

How to Enable EZEX on the Transcend Micro:

  • Turn On the Transcend Micro: Power up the device.
  • Find the EZEX Setting: Use the controls to navigate to the EZEX feature in the menu.
  • Select EZEX Level: Choose the appropriate EZEX level based on your comfort needs.
  • Save and Exit: Save the settings, and the machine will adjust the pressure accordingly during therapy.

The Transcend Micro is a compact and powerful option with EZEX technology, ensuring comfort during therapy while traveling.

How to Adjust Reslex on the Luna G3

The Luna G3 by 3B Medical features the Reslex pressure relief system, designed to make breathing more comfortable for CPAP users by reducing the pressure during exhalation. This machine is known for its quiet operation and advanced technology.

Key Features:

  • Reslex Pressure Relief: The Reslex feature automatically reduces pressure during exhalation, making therapy more comfortable. It’s adjustable with several levels to match user preferences.
  • Auto-Humidification: The Luna G3 includes an integrated humidifier that adjusts automatically based on the room's humidity, providing consistent moisture to prevent dryness.
  • Quiet Operation: The machine operates quietly, ensuring it doesn’t disrupt sleep.
  • Integrated Heated Tubing: The heated tubing helps prevent condensation and ensures consistent airflow, even in colder climates.

How to Enable Reslex on the Luna G3:

  • Turn On the Luna G3: Power up the device.
  • Access the Settings: Navigate through the menu to find the Reslex option under the “Comfort” settings.
  • Select Reslex Level: Adjust the Reslex level (1, 2, or 3) to suit your breathing comfort.
  • Save and Exit: Save your settings, and the Luna G3 will adjust the pressure accordingly during therapy.

The Luna G3 is a user-friendly machine with enhanced comfort settings, thanks to its Reslex technology, offering a more comfortable CPAP therapy experience.

How to Adjust IPR on the Resvent iBreeze: Intelligent Pressure Relief

The Resvent iBreeze includes the IPR (Intelligent Pressure Relief) feature, which intelligently adjusts the pressure during exhalation, providing a more natural and comfortable breathing experience for CPAP users.

Key Features:

  • IPR Pressure Relief: IPR reduces exhalation pressure, adapting to the user's breathing patterns. It offers a natural breathing rhythm during therapy.
  • Smart Algorithm: The iBreeze uses a smart algorithm to detect changes in breathing and adjust pressure settings automatically, optimizing therapy based on real-time data.
  • Integrated Humidifier: The built-in humidifier ensures the user remains comfortable by preventing dryness during therapy.
  • Quiet Operation: The iBreeze operates quietly, making it a great choice for those sensitive to noise during sleep.

How to Enable IPR on Resvent iBreeze:

  • Turn On the iBreeze: Start the machine and access the settings menu.
  • Find IPR Setting: Navigate to the IPR feature in the comfort settings.
  • Choose the IPR Level: Select the IPR level that suits your comfort needs.
  • Save and Exit: Save the setting, and the machine will provide therapy with IPR enabled.

The Resvent iBreeze offers intelligent pressure relief with its IPR feature, making it ideal for users looking for a CPAP machine that adapts to their unique breathing patterns.

Comparison of EPR vs. Other Comfort Features

 Feature Found On Key Functionality Best For
EPR ResMed AirSense, AirMini, etc. Reduces exhalation pressure to improve breathing comfort. CPAP users with discomfort during exhalation.
FLEX (C-Flex, A-Flex) Philips Respironics DreamStation Models Offers flexible pressure relief during both inhalation/exhalation. Users needing both inhalation/exhalation comfort.
Z-Breathe Z2 Auto Travel CPAP Adjusts pressure relief based on breathing patterns. Travel CPAP users needing minimal settings.
EZEX Somnetics Transcend Micro Pressure relief during exhalation to reduce breathing effort. Travelers and users needing a compact CPAP device.



In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief) feature on your CPAP machine can significantly improve the comfort and quality of your sleep therapy. With three pressure points and three settings to choose from, EPR literally makes it easier for users to adjust to the airflow, especially during exhalation, by reducing the pressure by one level during exhalation. This new EPR feature is an advanced comfort option, ensuring that users experience quality sleep without discomfort. For those who wake up with a dry mouth or find themselves uncomfortable with water in your mask, EPR helps to alleviate that by providing a smoother, more natural breathing rhythm.

The relief feature found in ResMed CPAP machines, particularly in models like the AirSense 10 and AirSense 11, is designed to be comfortable for the user and addresses issues like feeling noisy or breathless during therapy. The low pressure as soon as you start using your machine ensures a gentle introduction to therapy, which, when combined with a proper cpap prescription, optimizes the treatment.

If you're uncertain about the settings, don't hesitate to reach out to the customer service team for assistance, it’s a piece of cake to choose an EPR level that works best for your comfort. EPR is actually a game-changer for many users, making this CPAP therapy smoother and more tolerable for those looking for a pressure when exhaling solution.